Supported By
Association of Southeast Asian Nations

ASEAN Insurance Council

Thai General Insurance Association
Thai General Insurance Association (TGIA) is a non-profit trade organization from the merger of 3 insurance associations, namely Thai Insurers Association, Chinese Insurers Association and Foreign Insurers Association as the co-founders to be the center of non-life insurance business development. Representatives of this 3 associations have jointly applied for a new registration under the name of “General Insurance Association” (GIA) and its license was granted on 6th March 1967 by the Ministry of Commerce. GIA was officially launched its operation on 16th November 1967. Mr. Wai Watthanakul was the first GIA president. On 17th October 2012, GIA Board has agreed to change the association’s name to Thai General Insurance Association (TGIA) to reflect our name in international arena. TGIA vision is to promote and support the non-life insurance business as a pillar of the country’s economy and society. Our 4 important missions are linked to The General public, Thai Government and other related agencies, The Regulator (OIC) and TGIA members.
TGIA is playing a key role in promoting insurance knowledge and building insurance understanding both in academic field and activities that benefit to the insurance industry and societal. TGIA collaborates with various government agencies under the guidance of 21 Elected Board Members in every 2 years.
Currently, there are 51 non-life licensed insurers and 1 reinsurer as our members.

The Malaysian Insurance Institute
MII provides internationally recognised qualifications in insurance, risk management, compliance, and financial planning. MII is highly respected as a regional centre offering an extensive range of quality education programmes and training programmes for professionals in the financial services industry. MII also supports the industry as the international examination facilitator for industry associations and several international awarding bodies. MII aspires to be the preferred insurance institute for developing human capital and raising professional standards in the region.